About this site

Welcome to Cardinal-Nation.com

The primary purpose of this site is to publish my digital photography from Busch Stadium (old and new). All photos taken by Tim Day, unless otherwise noted. All images are free for personal (non-commercial) use.

Commercial inquiries should e-mail musial6@gmail.com

Photo by Emily Donaubauer

7 Comments for About this site

  1. Dave Bales Says:

    I’m the guy sitting to your ‘left’ at the game Saturday night.
    You are really, really a Cardinal fan.
    The photos are very good—-
    and I’m sure to buy a digital camera in the next year
    but somehow I believe I could have done just as well with my Pentex SLR.
    A lot of my own photos are posted on a website,
    scanned by the webmaster—
    of a “railfan group” which is a primary hobby of mine. Once you retire you find interests you never knew you had before—
    although the “railroad and rainfan” interest has gone on for 30 years.
    Look at http://www.slre.org go to ‘photos’ and then my name.
    Good luck and maybe we’ll meet again.
    Dave Bales

  2. Dave Bales Says:

    carry on!

  3. John Sebben Says:

    EXCELLENT web site and great photos! I send e-mails out all the time to people sharing links to here.

  4. Kathy Koch Says:

    Hey Tim. Great job. I’ll make sure all the Day cousins know about this. Quite a week for St. Louis.

  5. Brian Says:

    Great pictures! While over at SLU, your mom told me about your site so I thought I’d check it out. Very impressive work, keep it up.

  6. Mike Cox Says:

    I like your site, quality is very good. I would like to link your site from ours for people to view. We have people from all over the world view our site and order our goods. They will certainly like your photos. If this is ok please acknowledge via e-mail.

    Thank You

  7. musial6 Says:

    Don’t take this the wrong way, but your site represents the antithesis of what this site is all about.

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